The GSA Business Report recently ran an article on the making of the movie Summer Camp, shot over several weeks in North Carolina.  The article, titled “Movie production brings exposure and a few dollars to area stand-ins,” name-checked a couple of stand-ins who worked on the production, including photos of them next to their respective first-team actors.

Cindy Kennedy worked as actor Kathy Bates’s stand-in and “double” on the production, and the article has a photo of Cindy standing next to Bates, sporting identical clothing as might be expected of a photo double.

Cindy shared some insights into what was involved in working as a stand-in on the production, saying, “We worked on set before the lead actors arrived, as well as between takes as camera and lighting changes took place, and sometimes after the leads were finished to help complete a scene.”

Jim Kennedy, Cindy’s husband, also worked as a a stand-in, standing in for actor Eugene Levy on the film. The article also has a photo of Jim and Levy standing side by side.

During production, Jim shared some conversation with Levy, after having learned they were born in the same city in Canada. Jim said that he and Levy “had several chats about the local pro football team, high school rivalries, and the Niagara Escarpment that splits the town.”

Cindy stated her interactions with the lead actors were mostly “brief greetings as we passed each other changing place on set,” though she did share her favorite moment on the job was “between scenes one day when [actor] Alfre Woodard and I sang the folk song ‘Molly Malone’ and danced together in front of the cast and crew, after which we got an ovation.”

The rest of the article talks about filming Summer Camp, mostly focusing on the background actors working on the production.

Read the article:
Movie production brings exposure and a few dollars to area stand-ins from the GSA Business Report

Did you stand in on Summer Camp? Share your experiences in the comments below!