Recently, the Editor was presented with an opportunity stand in to on a TV series, working out of town starting the next day and lasting several days.

Although the opportunity was tempting, the Editor turned down the work because of an ongoing project.

However, were it not for the project, the Editor might have inadvertently said yes to the job. If so, that might have been a bad move, given a prior booking happening during that time away.

The thing is, when you are seeking stand-in work on a TV show or film and presented with a stand-in opportunity, you may be inclined to impulsively say yes to it. But that impulsive choice may cause you serious stress and problems that you might have foreseen had you simply taken a moment to consider the job rather than so quickly say yes.

Here are a few considerations to undertake when suddenly presented with out-of-town stand-in work and feeling the impulse to say yes to it.

Slow Down

First, when presented with the opportunity to stand in out of town, slow down. You do not need to make a decision within thirty seconds. You may have a few minutes, a few hours, or even days before making a decision.

Take some time before saying yes. Do some investigations of the project, your schedule, and a check of some of the below considerations first.

It is quick decisions that sometimes help us, but in accepting out-of-town stand-in work without thinking it through, you could really add problems to your life.


If you have children, daycare for your children may be your first thing to come to mind.

If you commit to a stand-in job out of town without coverage in taking care of your kids while you are away, you really put a problem in your hands.

However, mostly likely if you have children, you have worked out how to handle sudden bookings like out-of-town stand-in work. Make sure you know you have proper childcare for your time away, should you be inclined to say yes to the out-of-town work.


Similarly, if you have pets, they also need care while you are away. Although some pets need less care than others (cats, for example), heat, cold, or spilled water bowls may present real pet health challenges while you are away.

Keep in mind pets could be cats or dogs, but also bunnies, turtles, lizards, snakes, guinea pigs, etc.

So, you will want to make sure you have pet care before you say yes. Otherwise, the morning you leave, you may find you have a crisis on your hands.


Also, if you have plants that need watering, you may need to make arrangements for their care while you are away.

Probably not as big of a deal as pets and kids, but if you really care about your plants that you have had for a long time, plant care may be a real concern for you when you are away.

Medications & Contact Lenses

If you are expecting important medications or contact lenses to arrive in the next few days, you may be jeopardizing your health and ability to function should those items arrive at your home while you are away standing in on a job you suddenly accepted without thinking things through.

Before you say yes, make sure you ask yourself whether you have enough medications and/or contact lenses in order to function while you are away standing in.

Important Appointments & Jobs

Whether it is an important doctor’s appointment or another job you booked, if you have upcoming appointments that conflict with the stand-in booking, you may be causing yourself a headache if you accept the out-of-town stand-in work without noting your schedule and considering these appointments.

Although you may reschedule some of these, in the case of a doctor’s appointment, it may put you back several days or weeks. If it is another job you are trying to rearrange, the change may mean you lose the job and the income that was to come with it.


This may sound basic, but is your laundry done? Can you do your laundry before you leave the next day, in order to have the right clothes for your job?

If you don’t have enough laundry, you may be turning your upcoming out-of-town stand-in job into a stinky, uncomfortable experience.

Certainly give some respect to the state of your laundry when considering a sudden request to stand in on a TV show or film out of town.

The Day After You Are Supposed to Be Back

If you accept a stand-in job that is supposed to return from out of town on Friday late night, and if you have something important on Saturday, you may need also to consider how the out-of-town work might affect your Saturday engagement.

This may be especially important to consider if it is fairly clear your return from the Friday shoot could be overnight into Saturday morning, compromising your sleep after what might have been a demanding shoot schedule during the week. Will you need adequate rest for the day after your return? Will a late return possibly cause a conflict the next day?

Saying No Is an Option!

Keep in mind that you certainly can say no. A production has no use of a stand-in who can’t do the job because of concerns off set, from making a rushed decision to take the work.

Although there is something to be said for a stand-in making due in a tough situation, some situations — like those jeopardizing life or health — are not the kinds of situations you want to deal with when standing in out of town.

Take a breath, slow down, consider your schedule and those dependent on you, and reserve the right to say no if you are presented with out-of-town stand-in work.

And if all seems to look good after taking those few minutes, great! Say yes, have fun — and start packing!

Did you find this helpful advice? Stand-In Central wants to hear what considerations you might also recommend. Post your thoughts in the comments box below!