Here is a collection of websites  we recently found online of possible interest to the stand-in.

Stand-In Central

Obviously, the primary resource for information about standing in on television and film projects.  It features an overview of the job as a stand-in, important terminology you’ll hear on set, plus a weekly-updated blog with tips, tricks, and interviews with stand-ins.  Stand-In Central also has for sale a $10 ebook on standing in in case you don’t have time to pore over its voluminous resources.

Stand-Ins Inc.

The website for Stand-Ins Inc. proclaims the company provides “standins for various shows and film/TV productions in New York.”  However, the email contact form was 404 when tried emailing the site earlier this month.


While this Twitter account hadn’t been updated since the spring of 2010 when we last checked, the funny idea will put a smile on your face.

“Stand-in” Entry on Wikipedia

This very basic overview of what a stand-in is links to the Stand-In Central website.  When we last checked, the Wikipedia entry had some information that doesn’t exactly match the experience of the contributors to Stand-In Central, but it gave a very general sense of the job.

“How to Become an Actor’s Stand-In” Article on eHow

This “manual” for getting stand-in work isn’t that helpful unless you have absolutely no idea how to book stand-in work.  One point to note is that the author confuses the stand-in with a photo-double, which is not exactly the same thing.  But it’s an interesting page nonetheless given the dearth of information on the internet about standing in.

Got a link to a stand-in website we didn’t cover?  Post it below!