You’re standing in today and you’ve been given sides. On the front is this sheet topped with the crew call time and covered with a whole bunch of codes, acronyms, abbreviations, and terminology you might not know.

What you’re looking at is the callsheet (call sheet). And it can tell you a lot about your day of stand-in work!

But maybe it can’t tell you much if you don’t know what the things mean.

What’s D/N mean? Or P/U? Anyone have a clue what H/M/W means? Is HMU something different??

One of the most frequently searched items on Stand-In Central is the meanings of codes that appear on the callsheet. Stand-In Central has a number of articles on the different acronyms, abbreviations, codes, and terminology you’ll find on the callsheet.

Links to Define Callsheet Codes and Terminology

Here are some easy links to help answer your questions regarding codes and terminology.

Is there something on the callsheet that you don’t know and can’t find by searching Stand-In Central? First, search the site! If nothing comes up, post it below!