Dear Readers of Stand-In Central:

While Stand-In Central’s Tips & Tricks Blog updates weekly at 10pm Eastern Time, there comes a time when that doesn’t happen.

But that event is very rare.

I mean, VERY rare.  In the time since 2010 when we launched, that has almost never happened.

But this week, it did!

While I’ve back-scheduled this post to say it came out at 10pm on September 11, in fact, it’s Friday morning, September 13.

I had mistakenly thought there was a post scheduled for this week — but there wasn’t.

I have been fortunate enough to stand in right now about six days a week on two different union television series. Not only has that provided more ideas for topics to discuss on Stand-In Central, but it has also provided less opportunity to write!

Ah, the bind.

But worry not: More Stand-In Central blog posts are forthcoming as I get back on track next week.

In the meantime, if you read Stand-In Central, would you be so kind as to let us know?

From time to time, we hear on set how people purchased The Stand-In Handbook or have used Stand-In Central’s guidance in their work. But that’s definitely not all people, especially considering the number of searches performed on the website for topics related to standing in.

So send us an email to let us know you read, or post a comment below in the comments section to let us know.

It means a lot to us to provide all of this information on the little-known job of the TV/film stand-in, and it’s encouraging to hear when people benefit from it.


-The Editor