Let’s say you’re standing in on a film or TV show, but it’s your first time.

You hear someone suddenly shout, “New deal!”

You then see a flurry of crew activity.

What is going on? What does “new deal” mean?

Is someone talking about FDR’s economic programs created the 1930s?

Probably not!

Read on for what it means!

What “New Deal” Means

Typically, a 1st assistant director (1st AD) will be the person to announce on set “New deal!”

“New deal” usually means, when shooting a scene, the crew is moving from the current setup to a new setup.

That could be any number of things, but it tends to mean:

  • A new camera position while shooting in the same general direction
  • A turnaround of camera positions to shoot in the opposite direction
  • A move to the next scene


Context will inform exactly what “New deal!” means in the moment. Whatever the case, the phrase signals the next step in the proposed shooting day. While shooting sometimes can go so slowly, hearing “New deal” means you’re that much closer to wrapping!

What other mysterious phrases do you hear called out on set? Post the phrases in the comments below!